New Britannia Wiki
Welcome to Encyclopædia Nova Britannica!
New Britannia's Historical Encyclopedia.
Encyclopædia Nova Britannica currently contains 46 articles.

Welcome to New Britannia's Wiki! The purpose of this wiki is to help educate the curious individual in an organized fashion of all things related to New Britannia and her history. This includes, but not limited to: the political and cultural structure of the region; articles pertaining to Aretist Theory; legislation passed in parliament; judicial decisions; just who won the drama queen pageant of the season and the contestants thereof; et cetera!

Hold on, not only does it include articles pertaining to the region as a whole, but articles by individuals such as yourself writing up pages pertaining to their own individual nation! Does your nation have a history and culture that you wish to preserve and let known to others? Type up an article or two here!

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Why not Create a Page, ol' bean?
To create a new article, enter the title into the box below.

<createbox> default=Article Name width=24 buttonlabel=Create article!

If you are adding your nation, use this box.

<createbox> preload=template:nation infobox code default=Your Nation's Name width=24 buttonlabel=Add my nation! editintro=Template:Nation_infobox_code/editintro

editNewly Added Nations
  • Kain The Dragoon, Dear Leader of The Holy Cosmarchy Union.

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New Syndicate cssNewly Created Syndicates
  • November 3, 2011: The Ascendancy, a Raider syndicate
  • September 8, 2011: The Fredericksburg League, a Neutral syndicate
  • July 17, 2011: The Holy Cosmarchy Union, a Raider syndicate.
  • June 29, 2011: New Britannian Templars, a Raider syndicate.

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editIn the News
  • October: The second amendment passes in parliament.

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